Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Creating a postgresql database in ubuntu

According to the docs I was supposed to just type `createdb debiancedb` but that would fail saying the user cannot be authenticated. Finally after much googling I found http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43892 which basically says to do a `sudo -s -u postgres` first which would basically make me run the command as the postgres user. I think most probably the best solution is to add my user to the postgres group most probably. Haven't tried it yet though.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Working with mercurial

A while back I wrote an intro about using mercurial as your own repository that does not require any network connection to commit. Finally I've come to the point where I have to send my modifications onto another machine. So how do I do it? Let's begin with having the project reside on a computer which we will call mainserver. On this machine we already have created a mercurial repo and has committed files into it. Let's say we have another machine which we will call devlaptop. And on the devlaptop there is no copy of the project yet. So here are the steps by steps to get your work done.

1. First we will put a copy of the project into devlaptop. At the mainserver go to the project root directory and run the command `hg serve`. This should make the repo accesible on the default port 8000. Use the -p option to set to a different port. Then on the devlaptop run the command `hg clone http://mainserver:8000 projectname`. That will pull the project from the mainserver and put it into the projectname directory on the devlaptop. (Note: if your routes are not set properly just replace the name mainserver with the actual ip of mainserver)

2. Do your thing. Fix up the project and stuff. Commit to the local repo like there's no tomorrow. Until your finally satisfied. All test have passed and it is time to finally put those changes on the mainserver.

3. Put the changes from devlaptop onto the mainserver. First on the devlaptop go to the project root directory and run `hg serve`. That would make the repo available to others. Then on the mainserver just go to the project root directory and run `hg pull http://devlaptop:8000`. That will pull all the latest changes you've made on the devlaptop. But the repo will now be aware of the changes but have not applied them yet. To apply them run the command `hg update` on the mainserver and it should apply all the changes to the local repo. Now the mainserver has the most latest of your project.


Friday, July 18, 2008

Answers of great programmers

This is already an old article actually, but stumbled upon it again. Just to share with all of you:
It's very interesting to see how great programmers think.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Infinite Hands are we...

Wow.. this is a pretty good song (imho) about free software and what it's all about. Catch it on youtube at:

and if you want the lyrics check them out at:

And no law shall bind us or keep us for long,
for infinity's ours and infinity's free,
and no company owns us, and no land's our own,
for Infinite Hands are we... :D

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

More eeepc resources

Here's more resources for eeepc:

And this article seems interesting about the Ubuntu Remix for notebook: http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20080604-hands-on-with-the-ubuntu-netbook-remix.html

More distros for the eeepc

Last week I got an eeepc for my wife's birthday. She's very happy with it. Thought I might like to borrow it once in a while, but after trying out the keyboard, it's a no-go for a touch typist like me. But my wife's a normal pc user who still hunt and peck most of the time. She's very comfortable with it. Anyhow... I still wanted to hack the thing. Adding more repo would be the first thing I want to try. One of the page is: http://www.r3uk.co.uk/index.php/home/36-useful-information/79-eeepc-tips-and-tricks. But installing the repos there I find that there is a lot of broken packages where their dependecy is not met. Oh well.. the hunt continues...

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Monday, July 7, 2008

Important to priorities

I've always had to learn and relearn this lesson. You've got to get your priorities right. For example rushing for an appointment, and you're already late. But your car or bike is low on fuel. Fill it first no matter how tempted you are to try your luck and hope you'de get there before your fuel runs out. You'd be late certainly but at least you'd arrive.
Same thing if you want to start your own business. It might be tempting to just dive in and get started but then if you didn't stock up you might not even get there. But if you have took the time to plan and prepare you might get there a bit later but insyaAllah you'll get there. And in every incident there is a lesson to learn if nothing else but to remind us to be humble as we move on in this life on our journey to the next.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

First thing to know

Hmmm.. I feel there is going to be quite a bit of change coming. Whichever way it is I feel there is a need for me to get my life together and start to be more organized. So what's the first step? Buy myself a centro of course.. :P

Haven't used a palm for quite a while since my lifedrive broke down about a year back. Guess what was the first thing I had to learn? Hard reset of course.. :D To do it on centro:
  1. Take out the battery
  2. Press the power button and keep it pressed while inserting the battery again
  3. Release the power button only after the palm logo has finished loading
  4. It will ask to press up to delete all the data. So press up
  5. That's it
So next, how do I organize my life with this? Still a lot to learn..

Is Blogging No Longer a Thing?

As I embark on my new journey to learn the Rust programming language, I find myself pondering—where have all the blogs gone? In search of pr...