Sunday, February 10, 2008

Enable .htaccess rewrite in Ubuntu Server

Fuh.. Finally after so long is up again. It seems that actually it wasn't my hardware that was broken but just the filesystem of my old hard disk. Now I've put in a new hard disk and installed Ubuntu Server 7.10 on it. And just for the site itself I've decided to try out drupal.

Downloaded it and installed it. All seems to be going fine right now. No problems yet. Except for the pretty urls. I needed to enabled mod_rewrite and had no idea how to do that in Ubuntu Server. So after googling it a bit I found just the thing. Type:
a2enmod rewrite

That is short for apache2 enable module. That would create the necessary link in mods-enabled but I still couldn't use the pretty urls in drupal. Well, it turns out that the settings in sites-available/default would not allow override. So had to change AllowOverride None to AllowOverride All. It's good now.

1 comment:

Apache Warrior said...

On Ubuntu 9, I found that I also had to add the rewrite module to the enabled modules section. Without that, I got the 500 internal server error.

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